While setting up the MAME emulator on the Raspberry Pi 3 I decided to experiment with the PS3 controller trying to pair it with the RPi. I found a useful guide here: http://holvin.blogspot.it/2013/11/how-to-setup-raspberry-pi-as-retro.html At section 4 the author describes how to compile sixpair utility, test that everything is working and compile the QtSixA tool. But there are some differences to be noted when working with the Raspberry Pi version 3. First, and most obvious, of all: the RPi 3 has already a Bluetooth device built in, so you don't have to plug a dongle in it, and it's compatible with the PS3 controller. 1. Sixpair The sixpair utility succeeds in coupling with the controller. But to test that it's working I had to test the js1 joystick port, and not the js0 as stated in the guide; so the actual command is: jstest /dev/input/js1 2. QtSixA The QtSixA download link must be changed, because the one shown doesn't compile with the latest...
Scattered thoughts, mainly about about computer science and computing education.